Cost of Living Advice and Support

Lochaber Housing Association will assist tenants and members of the community to have access to well trained, knowledgeable and professional housing staff to provide them with housing information and advice. However, the Association cannot provide in-depth casework assistance, advocacy or representation at mediation, tribunal or court action level. If a customer requires assistance that goes beyond its remit, the Association will recognise this and will assist the customer with referral to a suitable agency. The Association will always act in the interests of our tenant or prospective tenant. Where this is not possible (for example in the case of rent arrears or eviction), the Association will advise and signpost to alternative sources of help.

Prospective tenants and members of the community can be assisted to make an application for housing, explore their housing options and choices within the Lochaber area. We will offer advice on rent arrears, Universal credit (housing costs)/Housing Benefit, anti-social behaviour, security of tenure, statutory tenancy rights, housing options and homeless prevention. If you feel you will have difficulty paying your rent or with other tenancy matters, speak to your housing officer or get independent advice. You can print our handy Tenant Monthly Budget Planner to help you with your finances too.

Lochaber Housing Association can also refer tenants for housing support, fuel poverty advice and income maximisation. If you are struggling to pay your fuel bills, Lochaber Affordable Warmth Service may be able assist you.

You can access our services by contacting your Housing Officer by:

Telephone: 01397 702530 or
Email: [email protected]

Cost of Living Support Services and Useful Resources

Worrying about Money Leaflet – accessible format leaflet, easy read, audio, BSL and translated into several languages

Scottish Government Cost of Living Support – check you’re getting all the support available to you to help with the cost of living

Highland Council Cost of Living Support – advice and information services

Lochaber Citizens Advice - details of outreach services within the Lochaber area

Lochaber Affordable Warmth Service – fuel poverty and energy saving advice and support

Home Energy Scotland – funding advice support for households

Priority Services Register – is a free service which provides extra help to those who need it the most, during power cuts or when there’s an interruption to the electricity or water supply

Money Map – find sources of online support to increase income, reduce bills and ease cost of daily living

National Debtline – debt advice and online budgeting tools and fact sheets

Money Advice Scotland – help with money worries, useful resources and tools. Also provides energy advice

Shelter Scotland – housing advice

Age Scotland – advice and support for older people

Disability Scotland – accessible information for people living with disability

Lochaber Foodbank – community foodbank

Royal British Legion (Fort William) – welfare service for ex-servicemen and women