Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA) requires that all housing associations/co-operatives in Scotland must produce and maintain a Publication Scheme. This gives information about the way we work, our services and decisions we make. It details all of the key information that we publish and how you can access it and is split into nine easy to understand classes of information, so that you can quickly find what you are looking for.

Lochaber Housing Association Group has adopted the Scottish Information Commissioner’s (SIC) Model Publication Scheme (MPS), and produced our Guide to Information which contains links to where you can find all the information listed.

If you are unable to find the information you are looking for on our website, you can make a request for information in several ways:

Email: [email protected]
Visit or writing to: Lochaber Housing Association, 101 High Street, Fort William, PH33 6DG
Telephone: 01397 702530 and say you want to make a ‘Freedom of Information Request’.

You can download and print off one of the simple forms to help you too.

You will receive the information requested within 20 working days unless Lochaber Housing Association Group does not hold the information, or there is a reason for it to be withheld. We will contact you in any event. We may not be able to publish all the information we hold. In some circumstances a fee may be payable and if that is the case, we will let you know. Our Charging Schedule can be found in our Guide to Information.

Disclosure Log

The Disclosure Log provides details of all previous Freedom of Information requests.

If you would like to view any of the responses, please contact: [email protected].

Disclosure Log