Pest Control

You are responsible for the removal of pest infestations from your home or garden such as mice, fleas, ants, wasps etc, unless there is clear evidence that the pests have arisen because the Association has failed or neglected to fulfil its responsibility as the Landlord. You are advised to deal with a pest infestation using proprietary products available from hardware stores or to use the services of a Private Pest Control Company. If you are on certain benefits, The Highland Council Environmental Department may be able to help. If you do not deal with an infestation and as a consequence neighbouring properties become infested due to your neglect, the Association will address the problem and costs associated will be recharged to you.

Lochaber Housing Association will repair any holes through roof coverings, eaves, walls etc, which allows pests such as mice to enter a property to prevent further problems occurring. You can help reduce the problem of unwanted pests by:

  • Keeping work surfaces and floors clean
  • Cleaning your bin regularly
  • Wrapping up your rubbish
  • Putting your rubbish out on the correct day
  • Not placing your rubbish in garden area and allowing it to build up
  • Regularly using flea powder or spray on pests
  • Not feeding birds left over foods stuffs
  • Not leaving pet food in bowls for too long.

If you find bats in your property you must not remove them as they are a protected species under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. If you think you may have bats please contact the Bats in Houses Helpline:

Telephone: 01463 725165 or
Email: [email protected]