Raising Concerns about your Landlord

A 'Serious Concern' is something that the Association does, or fails to do, that puts the interests of you and it's other tenants at risk.

What is a Serious Concern?
Examples are when the Association:

  • has acted in a way which puts tenants’ interests at risk and this affects, or could affect, a group of tenants or all tenants; or
  • repeatedly fails to achieve outcomes in the Social Housing Charter or outcomes agreed with tenants; or
  • has not reported its performance annually to its tenants or has reported it inaccurately; or
  • does not meet our standards for how an RSL should govern itself and manage its finances; or has not met any targets we have set it.

Serious concerns of this nature are considered to be a Significant Performance Failures (SPF) under the 2010 Act and should be reported to the Scottish Housing Regulator.

The Scottish Housing Regulator has published two updated factsheets for tenants and landlords about raising serious concerns about a landlord. The Regulator’s updated factsheets followed the launch of its new Regulatory Framework in April 2024, which enhanced the clarity of what issues tenants can bring to the Regulator and when and how this fits with other routes for tenants to complain to their landlord and the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman.