Right to Repair Scheme

Under the Housing (Scotland) Act 2001 Scottish Secure Tenants and Short Scottish Secure Tenanst have the right to have small urgent repairs carried out by their Landlord within a given timescale. This is called the Right to Repair Scheme. The scheme covers certain repairs up to the value of £350. These repairs are known as 'qualifying' repairs. The Scheme also provides for tenants to be compensated where such repairs have not been completed within a prescribed period. Right to Repair does not apply where a tenant fails to provide access to have the repair carried out or cannot provide access within the timescale.

Full details of the Right to Repair Regulations can be found on the Scottish Government website: Right to Repair.

Qualifying repairs include:

  • unsafe power or lighting sockets or electrical fittings
  • loss or part loss of electric power
  • loss or part loss of gas supply
  • a blocked flue to an open fire or boiler
  • external windows, doors or locks which are not secure
  • loss or part loss of space or water heating if no alternative heating is available
  • toilets which do not flush (if there is no other toilet in the house)
  • blocked or leaking foul drains, soil stacks or toilet pans (if there is no other toilet in the house)
  • a blocked sink, bath or basin
  • loss or part loss of water supply
  • significant leaking or flooding from a water or heating pipe, tank or cistern
  • unsafe rotten timber flooring or stair treads
  • unsafe access to a path or step; loose or detached bannisters or handrails
  • and a broken mechanical extractor fan in a kitchen or bathroom which has no external window or door.