Your Voice

What is Your Voice?

Your Voice is a forum for tenants to be involved in the development of Lochaber Housing Association.

You will be consulted about policies and procedures and your input is invaluable.

Lochaber Housing Association provides a housing service throughout Lochaber, and we consider it central to our service that you can have plenty of opportunities to express your views about it in ways that you choose, when you want.

We understand that the people for whom our service is provided may not want to be involved all the time, so you can choose how we contact you and how much or how little you would like to be involved.

We are committed to ensuring that all our tenants have the opportunity to get involved when and how they want.

Your Voice is an opportunity to let us know what you think about changes to policies and procedures and what you would like to see improved. It means that you are able to shape the service in the future and to make a difference to what the Association does.

How does Your Voice work?

If you register as a member of Your Voice, we will contact you when we are reviewing our services and policies. Members taking part in consultation exercises are also eligible to be entered into prize draws that we hold from time to time.

This is a partnership between tenants and staff. If at any time you would like your name taken off the Your Voice register, just let us know.

How can I get involved?

All you have to do is complete the short online registration form which asks you how and when you would like to be involved. We can contact you by letter, e-mail, telephone or home visit – you choose which method suits you best.

When there is a big issue to be considered, for example when we are writing a new policy, we sometimes get interested tenants together so that we can discuss the issue in small groups.

If you would be interested in taking part in one of these groups, please tick the appropriate box on the form.

What sort of things can I be consulted about?

The following is a list of the type of things we may ask your views on:

  • Rent charges
  • Planned maintenance
  • Allocations
  • Grounds maintenance
  • Customer care
  • Our repairs service.

You choose what interests you and how you would like us to contact you.

What happens next?

Once we have received your completed registration form, we will write to you to confirm that you are on the Your Voice register.

When we are looking at a particular issue, we will contact the people who have stated they are interested in that issue, via the method of consultation that they have said they prefer. Generally, we will only look at a few issues every year.

What if I change my mind about being involved?

You can ask to come off the Your Voice register at any time, or you can change the issues you’ve said you wish to be consulted about.

Please contact your Housing Officer if you wish to make any changes to your membership.

Your Voice Registration

If you would like to get involved and make a different, please complete this online form to register your interest.

Methods of Engagement

Please select which methods of engagement you are comfortable with? Select all that apply. (Required)

Topics that interest you

Select all topics that interest you. (Required)

Types of Engagement

Which types of engagement are you interested in? Select all that apply (Required)