Comments and Complaints

Lochaber Housing Association aims to provide a first class service to all our tenants, sharing owners and service users. Sometimes we make mistakes, but if this happens we'll do our best to put things right.

This page expains how to make a complaint and what the Association will do to ensure that matters are resolved as effectively as possible.

Your comments are important to us because they help us to put things right and improve our services. We also hope there are times when you would like to tell us that we are doing something well.

We take all forms of feedback seriously and will use the information to monitor our performance and adapt our services to meet your needs.

If you make a complaint and we are at fault we will:

  1. Apologise;
  2. Tell you why things went wrong;
  3. Let you know what we will do to try and make sure the same thing does't happen again (and check to make sure that it does not); and
  4. Put things right (as far as possible we will try to put you back in the position you were before the problem happened).

Making a Complaint

Who can complain?

Anynone can make a complaint if they feel that Lochaber Housing Association is responsible. You do not need to be a tenant or sharing owner. You might be an applicant or even a member of the public.

How do I make a complaint?

We have a Complaints Guide of Service Users designed to assist you in making a complaint. You may make a complaint in person at our office, by phone on 01397702530, in writing, by email, using our complaints form or online via our My Home tenant portal.

You shuld tell us what the problem is, and what you would like done to put things right.

In accordance with the Scottish Housing Charter and the Scottish Housing Regulator we are required to provide our customers with information in relation to th complaints we receive, this can be found within our Performance page.

Unacceptable Actions Policy

Application to Seek a Review

In addition to the complaints process, LHA will sometimes make decisions that tenants or other service users disagree with, where making a complaint is not the appropriate route, but where you may want to seek a review of any decision taken by our staff. Some review requests are covered by existing procedures and guidance, such as the Highland Housing Register or Mutual Exchanges. Other decisions we take may include issuing a Notice to Quit and Notice of Repossession on a Short Scottish Secure Tenancy, the issuing of a Notice of Proceedings for tenancy breaches or any other enforcement action or refusals by staff. You can seek a review of our actions and decisions.

  • You can make an application for a review either by email to [email protected] or in writing to 101 High Street, Fort William, PH33 6DG;
  • Applications to seek a review should be made to the Housing Services Co-Ordinator in the first instance. If the review is due to a decision made by the Housing Services Co-Ordinator, you should address it to the Senior Management Team;
  • The application should state the reasons why you think the decision to take action or decision made is wrong and any evidence for LHA to consider; We will respond to any review application within 14 days;
  • The review will be assessed on the points raised by you and based on a review of the tenancy file and housing management systems where appropriate; and
  • LHA will advise you of their decision in writing.

Complaints and Comments Form

Date of contact to LHA (Required)
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