Comments and Complaints
Lochaber Housing Association aims to provide a first class service to all our tenants, sharing owners and service users. Sometimes we make mistakes, but if this happens we'll do our best to put things right.
This page expains how to make a complaint and what the Association will do to ensure that matters are resolved as effectively as possible.
Your comments are important to us because they help us to put things right and improve our services. We also hope there are times when you would like to tell us that we are doing something well.
We take all forms of feedback seriously and will use the information to monitor our performance and adapt our services to meet your needs.
If you make a complaint and we are at fault we will:
- Apologise;
- Tell you why things went wrong;
- Let you know what we will do to try and make sure the same thing does't happen again (and check to make sure that it does not); and
- Put things right (as far as possible we will try to put you back in the position you were before the problem happened).