Energy Advice and Support

Keeping your home warm is a fundamental right. With recent changes within the energy sector which have increased prices, alongside the push for greener ways to heat homes, advice and support is key to make sure you're getting the most efficient use of your heating and the best deal on your energy.

The Association has various different types of heating and domestic hot water systems across its housing stock. It is important to have the knowledge of how you control and use your system to gain the most efficient running costs to your property, especially when we are all experiencing higher fuel costs.

Changeworks delivers Home Energy Scotland on behalf of the Scottish Government and Energy Saving Trust, and has a fantastic website with a wealth of useful information and guides, from how to manage your heating and controls to saving energy in your home.

In addition to this, the Association’s Asset Department can reissue you with instructions on how to use your system efficiently. If you have any questions or would like support with the settings for your heating system, please telephone us on 01397 702530 or email [email protected].

Remember, it is important to heat your property to a minimum 16 degrees for your health and reduce the chance of condensation within your property.

Lochaber Affordable Warmth Scheme

The Association works with our partner ALIenergy in supporting tenants through the Lochaber Affordable Warmth Scheme (LAWS). The Social Housing Fuel Support Fund project is administered on behalf of the Scottish Government by the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA), to support some of our most vulnerable tenants. Each of our houses are different in all aspects, from age and type of heating, age and type of building, glazing, location, the number and ability of occupants as well as the availability of fuel. That’s why advice from an ALIenergy advisor is tailored to you, your home and your needs.

If you are struggling and in crisis, please contact your Housing Officer on 01397 702530 or email: [email protected].