Estate Walkabouts

The Scottish Social Housing Charter, which sets the standards and outcomes that all social landlords should aim to achieve, states that Social landlords, working in partnership with other agencies, help to ensure as far as reasonably possible that:

'tenants and other customers live in well-maintained neighbourhoods where they feel safe'.

Effective estate management is a result of having good links with the community and is crucial in preventing and tackling neighbourhood issues and is one of the most effective ways of ensuring residents can enjoy living in a well-cared for environment.

Estate management inspections (Estate Walkabouts) are carried out at least annually by Association staff, residents and often external agencies (for example the Highland Council). Residents will generally be advised in advance and will be invited to participate in the inspection. The Association’s staff will visit their designated schemes and estates. The purpose of these visits are to review conditions across the estate, identifying any issues and allowing residents the opportunity to participate, provide feedback and comment on standards and services received. Issues arising and follow-up actions will be recorded.

If you would like to be involved in an Estate Walkabout, then please contact your Housing Officer.