Fire Safety

You can help to prevent most fires in your house by taking a few simple precautions:

  • Always make sure you put out all candles
  • Unplug all appliances when you are not using them
  • Put out all cigarettes and empty ashtrays into something that will not burn
  • Close all doors in your home at night. If a fire starts this will help to prevent it from spreading.

Keep Common Areas Clear

A fire may not necessarily be in your home. If you live in a flat and you have a common stair it is important that you keep it clear because it is your only means of escape in the event of a fire. Even a small bag of rubbish can create enough smoke to fill a whole stairwell. Items left in a common stair are often deliberately set on fire.

Home Safety Checklist

Smoke Detectors

Following changes in Fire Regulations, the Association have installed linked smoke and heat detectors. Some are battery operated and others work from the mains electricity supply. This will consist of a heat detector in the kitchen and one smoke detector in the hall and living room. If you live in a house, a smoke detector is also fitted on each landing. All detectors are linked by a radio signal so that if one goes off, they all go off.

Smoke detectors can save lives. It is important that you regularly check your smoke alarms are working. This can be done by pressing the test button and you should be able to hear if the alarm still works. If you have a battery-operated smoke detector you may need to replace the batteries, although the lifespan is up to 10 years. Normally, as the battery is running down it makes a “bleeping” sound. If you have a medical issue and are unable to change these batteries, you should contact our Maintenance Department for assistance.

Test it Every Tuesday

Test it Tuesday Smoke Alarms