Rechargeable Repairs

What Repairs will I have to pay for?

We may recharge tenants for the cost of some repairs. This is where we have identified the repair is the responsibility of the tenant or because the repair has arisen due to neglect or carelessness by the tenant.

When you report a repair we will try to let you know at the time if it is a rechargeable repair.  Sometimes, however, it is only once the work has been done that we may identify if it is a rechargeable repair.

For some repairs, or where the tenant has a history of rechargeable repairs, we will require to be paid in advance before starting the work.

If you cause damage or neglect you will be required to carry out the necessary repairs to our satisfaction and at your own expense. This means that you will be required to be responsible for making good all damage to the Association’s property that arises through your neglect or misuse, whether that is wilful, accidental or otherwise. 

If the repair is the result of deliberate damage that has been reported to the police, and you can provide us with an incident number, we won't recharge you for the repair.

What if I lose my keys?

If you have to break windows or force doors because of lost keys, you will be responsible for the damage. If we have to break into the property for you, you will have to pay for the work. You should keep a spare key in a safe place, or leave it with someone you can trust.

If your keys have been stolen, you should contact the police and obtain an incident number. We will not recharge you for a locks change where it is the result of your keys being stolen and you have given us an incident number.

When will you tell me if I'm to be charged for the cost of a repair?

You will be advised when you report the repair if it is likely that you will be charged for it and you will be advised in writing within 2 weeks of reporting the repair if we intend to recharge you for it and why. Once the repair has been completed we will send you an invoice for the cost.

How much time do I have to pay for a rechargeable repair?

Once you have received the invoice, you have 30 days to pay for the repair. If you cannot afford to pay the full amount, please contact us to arrange to pay in instalments.

What happens if I do not pay?

If you are having difficulty paying, please contact us so that we can arrange an affordable repayment agreement with you.

It is our policy to take legal action against tenants who do not pay for rechargeable repairs, no matter what the cost of the original repair. This means that if you do not pay for the repair, you could be taken to court and you could end up with additional legal and administrative costs.

You should also note that, if you are applying for a transfer to another Association property or for permission to have a mutual exchange, this will not be authorised if there are any outstanding repairs at your property for which you are responsible.